Although it sounds simple enough to throw a few ingredients in the blender, there is actually a proper method on how to make an Acai Bowl. Follow this tried and tested method by Acai Bowl Master to ensure the best result.
To get a smooth, thick acai bowl our tried and trusted method recommends:
- The use of a high powered benchtop blender (1000 watt or higher, with a tamper)
- Acai bowl Ingredients as stated
- The order of the ingredients placed in the blender. (help to save your blender)
- Pre preparation of toppings before blending
Acai Bowl Master has a whole page dedicated to helping you find a suitable blender in your price range. Click here:
Acai Bowl Ingredients – The Must Haves
Acai puree or Acai powder are readily available at your local grocery store, however there are also a few options available online, which may offer bulk purchases. Check the packaging to ensure a quality acai. Our version uses the unsweetened acai for a healthier option.
You can find further information on where to buy acai here.
First, purchase the 4 basic acai bowl ingredients which are:
- Frozen unsweetened acai puree – 1 pouch or if using acai powder use 2 tsp and add a couple of cubes of ice
- Frozen chopped ripe banana – half a cup
- 1 fresh whole apple
- Frozen blueberries 3/4 cup
HINT: The more frozen banana used makes for a creamier mix but if using a cup of banana add another frozen acai pouch.Â
Remember to include any toppings such as chopped almonds, fresh fruit, granola, muesli, coconut or Greek yoghurt, whatever takes your fancy really, to your acai bowl ingredients list.
How to make an Acai Bowl in 3 easy steps!
How to make an acai bowl without adding juice. Its the best!
- Wash and chop up your fruit for the topping and set aside.
- Cut up the apple, remove the core and place first into the blender. (This allows the unfrozen apple to juice up quickly providing the necessary liquid to allow blending easier)
- Add next in the following order:
- the blueberries,
- acai broken up,
- bananas
Flick the switch to blend to pulp. Increase the speed whilst using the tamper to push the fruit around for 1 to 1.30 minutes or until blended.
Take care to use the tamper through the hole in the lid, otherwise contact of the tamper with the blades will destroy the tamper and ruin your acai! (Speaking from experience here unfortunately!)
Tip: If you do not have a tamper or are using a low speed blender it may be necessary to turn the blender off and use a spatula to scrape around the sides.
Then push ingredients towards the blades thus removing any air from around the blade before continuing the final blending.
Serve up Your Acai bowl by Making it a Visual Masterpiece!
Place enough muesli or granola to cover the bottom of your serving bowl. Pile your acai blend on top. Add your toppings and finish with a sprinkle of coconut or bush honey or both!
Try adding a little bush honey directly onto the acai blend and taste the incredibly gooey sensation.
Your acai bowl should be a thick consistency able to hold a dessert spoon upright!
If you have had success with our method of how to make an acai bowl, let us know as your feedback is important to us.
Is your Acai bowl creation worthy of a photo opportunity? Share it with us @acaibowlmaster for a chance to be featured on our Acai Bowl Master Home Creations Photobook page!
Now that you have learnt how to make an acai bowl try some great acai bowl and smoothie bowl recipes here.