About Us at Acai Bowl Master

We Love Acai Bowls at Acai Bowl Master

Quite simply Acai Bowl Master was created for the love of all things Acai. 

At Acai Bowl Master we are all about Acai Bowls, Smoothie Bowls and Smoothies.That passion for Acai reached a new level after time spent in Brazil, the origins of Acai started there in the Amazon rainforest. 

Can you imagine little beach huts that made Acai bowls for breakfast and lunch! 

All of a sudden on returning to Australia, it was decided the knowledge gained was needing to be shared with fellow Acai Bowl lovers!   

Whether you love to create them at home or enjoy Acai Bowls at the local cafes, you will discover plenty of ideas at Acai Bowl Master! 

Constructive, positive feedback is welcomed from you so we can give the local cafes a well deserved plug!

If you are a Cafe owner you can list your Cafe/Restaurant/Juice Bar here.

At Acai Bowl Master, we want to share our passion for Acai bowls with anyone who wants to listen!

Have you ever tried to explain to a sceptic what an Acai bowl is?  Trying to describe it is hard, I mean it looks like a maroon soft serve ice-cream, which doesn’t sound like its meant to be good for you!  Really comes down to what you add to it that makes it a healthy option or otherwise. 

Whatever way you decide to have it, Acai Bowls and Acai smoothies are here for all of us to savour! And of course we’ve added in Smoothie Bowls as well the two go hand in hand.

Enjoy experimenting with our recipes, new creations to try and most of all sharing the love…….of all things Acai that is. 

We love Acai Bowls, tag us your local favourite so we can share! @acaibowlmaster